The project "Walking through the memory with immersive technologies" focuses on the study, conservation, enhancement and dissemination of the intangible and tangible heritage of our locality through Project Learning and the use of Augmented and Virtual Reality.
Elementary students will create a collaborative platform in which they will share with the national and international educational community the findings made and disseminated through multiple formats including animated stories, video games or virtual exhibitions.

We plan to carry out the following activities to disseminate the results of the project:
Create a website
Organize an international exhibition of virtual art.
Create digital content designed by students.
Animated stories,
Organize an international video game fair.
Participate in student-led workshops.
Inform the local media about the different activities of the project.
Other actions planned include
To inform the project in congresses, fairs, involving the partners;
Disseminate the project in RRSS: Facebook, e-Twinning, Twitter.
Create an Erasmus corner in the school, dedicated to the constantly updating project.

Support innovative teaching and learning environments, including intangible and material cultural heritage, and at the same time students will acquire digital skills.,
Use Information and Communication Technologies (Tics) as a tool that allows students to improve their observation and through them access to knowledge.
Promote the practice of content related to the areas of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics).
Improve the results of students with learning difficulties, especially in the field of languages, science, reading and writing.

Integrating technology under the umbrella of an immersive or semi-immersive experience has the potential to transform learning. The role of the students is active as their function is to do, create, interact which will allow deep learning, as well as improve the autonomy and development of other skills such as creativity, problem solving, communication, collaboration, etc.
We are committed to using accessible learning materials - anytime, anywhere. We work with cloud applications and platforms so learning materials are portable and less expensive. Education becomes more accessible and mobile.
Interactive learning has a significant positive impact on students as it keeps them busy throughout the session and makes learning fun and effortless.
We are aware of the importance of actively belonging to the global environment in which we live, so providing our students and faculty with the opportunity to get in touch with other cultures, get to know them, put them in value and disseminate them is one of our priorities.
Learn from and with others through immersive technologies.