September 1st 2019
"Walking through the memory with immersive technologies" is an Erasmus + K229 project, for the exchange of good practices between educational centers. It is coordinated by the CEIP Ponte dos Brozos in Arteixo, SPAIN
December 20th 2019
English, Italian, Spanish and Turkish… 4 European countries with different cultures, different languages and different lives. Teachers and students who put their hearts together for a common purpose among millions of people who said hello to 2020 at the same time with the whole world, carried out a different work under the Erasmus + project. Aside from all the differences, they said the language of the children is unique and they celebrated the new years of their friends abroad with the New Year Cards they prepared with different tools. Scratch, CoSpaces, CoBlocks, MIT App Inventor, said that our way passes from the cards they have designed and coded with Merge Cube, to the cards and videos they draw and voice themselves. You can find all of the Christmas Cards from this wakelet collection
February 13th 2020
Did you read our news that has published CoSpaces Blog?
Erasmus+ project with CoSpaces Edu
CoSpaces Edu Ambassadors Begoña Codesal from Spain and İdiye Ökten from Turkey partnered in an Erasmus Plus project using CoSpaces Edu to explore the topic of cultural heritage.
Schools from Spain, Italy, Portugal and Turkey partnered in exploring cultural heritage conservation and dissemination through “Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Coding, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence”, as part of the “Walking Through The Memory With Immersive Technologies” project led by Erasmus Plus, EU’s program to support education and youth in Europe.
Our Favorite Places
April 2020
The girls and boys were locating their favorite places of the City council of Arteixo and later they created several Virtual Tours with the tool of Google, Tour Creator.
CEIP Ponte dos Brozos

Chestnut Celebration
June 2020
Chestnut festival is a traditional festival deeply rooted in Galician culture. It is celebrated in the first fortnight of November.
In this festival chestnuts are roasted in the fire and people gather in social groups: neighbours, friends,...
We have been working on this areas:
Self-knowledge and personal autonomy
Knowledge of the environment
Languages: communication and representation

Gamifying Our Heritage
January 2021
Third and fifth year primary school students and their teachers took part in creating a route through Arteixo's heritage.
The route was about the legends of Arteixo. These are set in characteristic places of our heritage.
Teachers created different walks ( A, B) , geolocated them and hid numerous objects that had to be discovered by the students when they went on the route.
It was a very nice and special job in which the protagonists were the students and Xabier Maceiras, our guide. Javier is a Galician writer, scriptwriter and documentary maker who collaborates with us in many projects. It was a pleasure to collaborate with him and to learn so much from his knowledge about the city council and our history.

The Way of St. James
During the academic year 2021/2022 in the CEIP Ponte dos Brozos, work has been carried out within the project "Walking through the memory with immersive technologies" on the Way of St. James.
The objectives we set ourselves were the following:

Turkey Mobility
March 2022
With the participation of project partner teachers from Spain and Portugal, our second teacher workshop was held at the Anabilim Middle Schools, İstanbul.
Our guest teachers were welcomed by our students Demir Kaan Mursaloğlu, Rüzgar Keskinkılıç and Ezgi Civan. In the project where professional exchanges were made and cultural integration was ensured, our guest teachers returned to their countries after an intense 3-day program of social, cultural and scientific activities.
Teacher Training Workshop Presentation

Portuqal Mobility
May - June 2022
Completed between 31st May and 4th June 2022 in Barcelos.
Student workshop 1 : An application with HubsMozzila about Barcelos heritage

Virtual Tour about Google Expeditions
June 2022
n order to get to know the most representative places in Arteixo, our 4th grade students created a virtual tour with the Google Expeditions application.
They started the tour at the Ponte dos Brozos, continued to the Inditex headquarters, very close to the old Roman bridge,...

November 5th 2019
This is the logo that got the highest score among all the presented.
In order to choose a representative image of the project, each country presented its proposal and the students and faculty voted at the beginning of November. Finally the winner was the logo presented by Italy that was designed by the student. In it we see a heart where you are represented by all the flags of the participating partners.

February 11th 2020
The comprehensive school Borsellino-Ajello was ranked first in the NATIONAL DIGITAL SCHOOL AWARD competition promoted by the Ministry of Education.
The pupils of the primary school of the Poggioreale complex, thanks to the Erasmus + project "Walking through the memory with immersive Technologies" KA229-29F9E 104 (Walking in our culture of origin using virtual reality and augmented reality technologies) and to the teaching units of innovative technology, created for its implementation and presented to Erasmus partners, they created a video documentation of the work done.
During the event held on 11 February 2020, at the IMPERO DI MARSALA THEATER, the Director of the Borsellino-Ajello Institute, Dr. Eleonora Pipitone, together with the reference teacher Nicolò Catania and the pupils who created the project, received a prize check of 1000 euros which will be used to complete the Institute's digital teaching laboratories.
The students who made the video were admitted to Caltanissetta in March, in the REGIONAL PHASE OF THE NATIONAL DIGITAL SCHOOL AWARD, to represent the province of Trapani.
This award is reserved for digital innovation projects, characterized by a high content of technical and technological knowledge.

From My Window
March - June 2020
Due to terrorism, war, famine, etc.
the education periods of the students
have been interrupted in our world
but there has never been such a time
in the history of humanity that
everyone was deprived of education.
I, You, We ...
It's time to be strong
It's resist time
Let's ....
Watch the student videos below the page.
The Romanesque of Arteixo
May 2020
The fifth grade students and their teacher have been preparing different interactive presentations on the Romanesque in the City of Arteixo. This work was interrupted because of the confinement period. We hope to resume it when we return to normal,
For now we show you this presentation on Genial.ly.
CEIP Ponte dos Brozos

Christmas Greetings
December 2020
This Christmas, with our 5th graders students of Infant Education, we have been working on the languages of our Erasmus school friends.
We noticed that Feliz Aninovo is written very similarly and has many of the same letters as Italy and Portugal, but very differently when we write it in English or Turkish.
Then we chose the pronunciation and we laughed because we didn't understand anything.
All these languages were reflected in a postcard.

Breakout Games
January 2021
As lessons designed with Breakout games offered students a fun and exciting way to develop problem-solving, critical thinking, logical thinking, communication and collaboration skills; ICT teachers at Anabilim made their games with using too many tools about cultural heritage of partner schools.
Escape From The Historic Peninsula
Learning Our Cultural Heritage - Portugal

Interactive Turkish Cuisine
September 2021
Our sixth grade students from Anabilim Private Middle School prepared an interactive Tr Cuisine map for their Erasmus friends. Turkish Cuisine, which consists of dishes prepared with cereals, various vegetables and an some meat in juicy form, soups, olive oil dishes and pastries, and dishes prepared with self-grown herbs. They used Metaverse app for creating the meals with augmented reality on the map and genial.ly for presentation. The most excited part of this project was working with their families for learning traditional Turkish meals.

Teacher Training
April 2022
KWL, an acronym for Know, Want-to-know, and Learned, is an effective way to read with purpose. KWL is easy to apply and can lead to significant improvement in your ability to learn efficiently and to retain what you have learned.
The active steps follow the acronym KWL and are generally organized in the form of a three-column chart.
Our first workshop has been started with KWL sheet.

Spain Mobility
June 2022
From 14th of june till 18th June we had the pleasure to be visited by our partners in the project "Walking through the memory with immersive technologies" in Arteixo. Participating teachers and students from Istanbul, Mazara del Vallo, Barcelos, Cerceda and Arteixo had a few days full of educational and cultural activities.
Installation: Knowledge of our heritage

June 2022, Spain
Our second grade students have used Stop-motion to tell stories about our heritage. Stopmotion is an animated filmmaking technique which involves incrementally manipulating and moving objects between individually photographed frames, such that when stitched together, the frame-by-frame effect produces the semblance of motion.

Mazara del Vallo, ITALY
Great Days for first meeting project partners at Mazara del Vallo, Italy.
February 13th 2020
Spanish and Turkish students will organize and conduct a workshop with Italian and Portuguese students.
Virtual tour created by students from CEIP Ponte dos Brozos in Spain, using 360° photos that they captured.
They have already started preparations. Good luck :)

Arteixo, Territory of bots
June 2020
This project was intended to be carried out with the 5º students of Primary Ed. Because of the confinement it was postponed. It consisted of creating a Chatbot to answer questions about the town’s heritage.
5 categories were created in Machine Learning, one for each historical epoch. Each category included information on history, society, economy, art and customs.
Scratch Project Description: The Scratch project will simulate a classroom of the future where students have a personal assistant set up to answer questions about their local heritage.
CEIP Ponte dos Brozos

Legend of The Rooster
October 2020
All along the coastline of the municipality of Arteixo there are many caves which, over the centuries, have been sculpted by the sea elements. Among all of them, the most notable is the one in Valcovo, on the beach of Area Grande, known as Furna do Galo or San Xián. According to the legend, a Gaul entered the cave and, up the mountain, did not stop climbing until he came to light in a spring that was in a place that has been called O Galo since then. The spring, which still exists, but which has stopped gushing water some years ago, is located very close to the castle of Castelo de Lañas, the same place where the galiña dos pitos de ouro lives.
The legend recalls the general belief that all the forts (ancient constructions of the olden times) had a hidden exit. The path that leads from the cave to the mountain, near the castle of Castelo de Lañas, could well be that exit.
And this is the legend of the rooster seen through the eyes of the 5 year old boys and girls of Infant Education.

Christmas Songs From İstanbul
December 2021
Our sixth grade students didn't forget their Erasmus friends. We are happy yo share their video of popular Christmas songs for your enjoyment.

Animated Food Culture
November 2021
Our sixth grade students from Anabilim Private Middle School prepared an animated video with Powtoon. They prepared an animation about changing traditional Turkish food from different parts of Turkey using their super creativity. Enjoy watching :)

First Experience at Metaverse
April 2022
The metaverse is upon us. Soon it will be as omnipresent as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook (now Meta). As technology advances to bring us new immersive and imaginary worlds, how we educate children and prepare teachers must also advance to meet these new opportunities.
Teacher Training Workshop Presentation

June 2022, Spain
A photography competition open to the whole educational community was organised. The aim was receiving photographs of favourite places in Arteixo. There was a great participation and the photographs were exhibited in the school. To visit the exhibition it was necessary to "buy" a ticket. The price of the "ticket" was a bar of soap that would be donated to Mozambique as part of the project "Sementes do Amanha".

June 2022, Spain
Our primary students could learn and enjoy with the adventures of the the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela
Our fourth grade students started their journey on the Camino de Santiago. In order to be a good pilgrim they investigated the origin of the pilgrimage. In the following video you will find more information.